Very quick round-up post to bring you news of a number of MI papers and case stories in the medical journal, Contact Dermatitis, November 2016 edition.
We are trying to get copies of the papers, but in the meantime we’ll post a list below of some of the most notable ones. They tell you little at present (this may change at a later date), but the titles alone are a huge concern …. We will update this page as and when we know more.
Methylisothiazolinone in a designer spectacle frame - a surprising finding.
Undisclosed presence of methylisothiazolinone in ‘100% natural’ Konjac® sponge.
These sources of potential exposure are jaw-dropping, we’re sure you’ll agree …
There are a number of other papers in the journal, which are likely to be of great interest. Again, we’ll update when we know more or if and when we can get access to at least some abstracts or summaries.